Lynwood Aquatics

317 - 321 Hook Rise South | Surrey | KT6 7LS

020 8391 2613

  • Aqua One
  • Ciano
  • Askoll
  • Juwel
  • Pontec

Tropical Fish

Tropical Fish at Lynwood Aquatics Tropical fish are easy to keep with a huge range of species available. Tropical fish vary in size and we divide into two groups, small community for small and large setups and large tropicals, which include predator fish, for the bigger set up (200 litres upwards). We have a choice selection of Malawi Chichlids available.

For small community fish we generally stock the fish listed below. If you cannot see what you are after call us on 020 8391 2613.

Peaceful Fish; Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Black Neon Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Albino Corydoras, Panda Corydoras, Sterbai Corydoras, Julii Corydoras, Bronze Corydoras, Pepper Corydoras, Dwarf Gouramis, Honey Gouramis, Standard and Golden Minnows, Clown Loaches, Guppies (big range), Platys, Mollys, Swordtails and more.

Fin Nippers; Serpae Tetras, Pristella Tetras, Red Eye Tetras, Black/White Widow (Phantom) Tetras, Danios (approx 5 varieties).

Algae Eaters; Otocinclus, Dwarf Bristlenose and Rubber Nose Plecostomus (5-6" fully grown), Siamese Algae Eaters.

A Selection of Smaller Tropical Fish

  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Neon Tetra
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Cardinal Tetra
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Black Neon Tetra
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Rummy Nose Tetras
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Betta Fish - Siamese Fighter
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Yellow Honey Gourami
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Red Honey Gourami
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Blue Dwarf Gourami
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Mickey Mouse Platy
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Sunset Platy
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Sterbai Corydoras
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Albino Corydoras
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Albino Bristlenose Plecostomus
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Dalmation Mollys
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Balloon Mollys
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Dwarf Aquatic Frog

For larger tropical fish we generally stock the fish listed below. Again if you cannot see what you are after call us on 020 8391 2613.

It is worth bearing in mind that the larger fish generally are predator fish and should not be mixed with smaller community fish, as they can become a snack. Many people start for example with small Angelfish and Neon Tetras, which initially is okay, the problems can arise when the neons pass on after 2-4 years and the Angelfish (which can live for up to 10-15 years) are introduced to new neons.

Usually stocked; Tiger Barbs, Green Tiger Barbs, Albino Tiger Barbs, Cherry Barbs, Kirbensis, Blue Two Spot Gouramis, Golden Gouramis, Pearl Gouramis, Kissing Gouramis, Oscars, Parrots, Ruby Sharks, Red Tail Sharks, Silver Sharks and Malawi Cichlids.

A Selection of Larger Tropical Fish

  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Standard Parrot Cichlids
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Yellow Parrot Cichlids
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Pink Parrot Cichlids
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Blue Parrot Cichlids
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Polar White Parrot Cichlids
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Tiger Barbs
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Green Tiger Barbs
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Albino Tiger Barbs
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Cherry Barbs
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Long Fin Rosy Barbs
  • Lynwood Aquatics
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Blue Two Spot Gouramis
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Moonlight Gouramis
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Tiger Oscars
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Albino Tiger Oscars
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Lemon Oscars *
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Red Tail Sharks
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Ruby Sharks
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Silver Sharks
  • Lynwood Aquatics
    Tin Foil Barbs



We have a choice selection of Malawi Chichlids available, including, Red Peacocks, Yellow Peacocks, Strawberry OB Super Reds, Aulonocara Maulana.

2" £8.95 each
3 - 4" £13.95 each
Special Order only - Give us a call on 020 8391 2613
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