Lynwood Aquatics

317 - 321 Hook Rise South | Surrey | KT6 7LS

020 8391 2613

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Pond Plants

Wide range of pond plants available at Lynwood Aquatics. Water lillies, oxygenating plants, marginal plants, iris, marginal, canna, barley straw, oxygenating, persicaria, floating, wildlife, aquatic baskets, deep water, ramshorn snails, trapdoor snails, painter mussels, swan mussels, aquatic soil, hessian squares, aquatic plant fertiliser, floating rings, and more available.

Pond Plants at Lynwood Aquatics

Marginal Plants

Marginal Plants

We sell marginal plants in 9cm pots, 1 litre pots and 3 litre and 5 litre plants are sold individually. Our stunning 3 litre marginal plants in stylish hexagonal pots with an easy to carry handle. The three and five litre plants are excellent for landscape designers and architects wanting to create an instant effect and beautiful finish to their project.

Nymphaea (Water Lilies)


We stock varieties of nymphaea, nearly all these varieties are available in 3, 10 and 30 litre pots sizes. The 3 litre size is ideal for Garden Centres, whereas often landscapers will choose the larger sizes.

Please note, lilies like full sun and still water, do not place them near a fountain or where water can splash on the leaves.

Nymphaea alba, often called “White lily” is the only lily native to the UK.

Deep Water Aquatics

Deep Water Aquatics

Deep water aquatics are an alternative to lilies, more tolerant to shade. Nymphoides and Aponogeton are excellent for a small pond or addition to a large lake. Aponogeton is prolific flowering very early and late in the year, usually flowering as early as March and as late as December with scented white flowers. The sizes available depend on the plant variety.

Oxygenating Plants

Deep Water Aquatics

Oxygenating plants are often referred to as the most essential ingredients to a pond. They photosynthesise under water creating oxygen, which then dissolves into the water. This is not only essential to all animal life, but also for bacteria which help keep the water clear.

Many oxygenating plants have two forms of foliage; submerse (foliage below the water) and emerse (foliage above the water) and they can look very different.

Oxygenating plants are sold in two forms, either as bunches with a weight which can be placed straight into the water or potted first before being placed on the deeper shelved areas of a pond. Potting gives the plant access to nutrients which improves growth. Of our oxygenating bunches, twelve are native, one (Elodia canadensis) is naturalised and only two are non native to the UK.

Container oxygenating plants usually prefer being placed on a ledge but some varieties can be placed deeper.

Floating Plants

Deep Water Aquatics

Floating plants provide shelter for fish and other animals. They also help reduce algae by reducing the light in the pond and absorbing nitrates. We recommend a third of the surface of the pond should be covered by floating plants.

We sell varieties of floating plant, two are native to the UK. Also available is the hardy strain of Trappa natans native to Europe, although they require a good summer to over-winter. Please ask for details if we have not got in stock. They are sold loose or in carry away tubs.

Semi-hardy and Tropical Aquatics

Deep Water Aquatics

We sell a small range of semi hardy and tropical aquatic plants. The lilies require protection in winter, the marginal plants should survive a mild winter (except Cyperus papyrus) but protection from frost is recommended as it will improve growth rate the following season.

Moisture Lovers

Deep Water Aquatics

We supply a wide range of container grown moisture lovers including gunnera, ferns, hostas and primulas. These are excellent for boggy areas near ponds or other areas of the garden. Please note, most pond plants are also suitable for areas of damp soil as not all need to be submerged, look for ones that say the minimum depth is zero. We stock over fifty-five varieties of moisture loving plants.


Deep Water Aquatics

As well as plants we stock snails and mussels. Planorbis corneus (Ramshorn snails) eat algae from the side of the pond while Viviparus georgianus (Trapdoor snails) eat algae from the bottom. Mussels (we stock Swan mussels and Painters mussels) filter water and help keep a pond clear. We do not sell Stagnalis (the great pond snail) and recommend avoiding this species as they eat plants. Snails are sold loose or in a carry away containers.

A good variety available

Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo' - Variegated water dropwort

The beautiful tricolour foliage is pink, white and green in spring, maturing to a darker green and pink in autumn. Tiny, creamy white flowers in umbels appear in mid-summer.

Deep Water Aquatics

Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo' is a delightful marginal plant, grown for its pretty variegated foliage, which brings colour to the pond as early as March. Its leaves have pink and cream margins, which perfectly complement its small white summer flowers. Autumn temperatures intensify the leaf colours, further extending the season of interest. It’s ideal for growing at the pond edge or at the front of a bog garden.

Grow Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo' in moist to boggy soil in partial sun. If growing in a pond, it will grow outside the pot, forming a tangled mass of roots on the surface of the water - these can simply be gathered and removed. Alternatively, plant them in soil to generate new plants.

Help keep your pond clean and fish healthy with PondXpert pond pumps for filtration and water movement. These include All in one pumps, submersible pumps, filtration systems. UVC systems available or built in on some models to help against green water.


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